Monday 12 January 2009

Blackberry Culture

*Sigh* you dont realy hope that i would explain about the blackberry, do you? you gotta be kidding me, im not that gadget person. BUT, even buat gue bukan gadget person aja, i know about it anyway. My sister use it, my friends use it, its like everybody use it. Blackberry has become a culture nowadays. I went to the 'coffee club' then they got special discount for blackberry user. It's like everywhere, and its like haunting me. Haunting me in the back of my conscious. Normally, gue gak peduli juga mau pake handphone apa (v3 on my hand udah minta di lem. -dilempar maksudnya-), dan karena blackberry haunting me, jadi pengen juga. ("Ah, gak penting says my hubby" and i just nod about it. haha)

Culture kan bisa juga dibilang "the way of life of entire society" Of course it includes; norm, behavior, dress, religion, rituals, games, and now gadget specially Blackberry (in my head *chuckle*) Its just spreading so fast, and hit every called themself 'high class society'. But anyway, its a culture. So can we call culture as a trend? Hmm.. i think trend is the beginning, culture sendiri adalah kontinuitas trend yang udah jadi norma.

Trus, apa itu trend? the word "everybody use it" is like a dirty word for me. There are people who follow trend, dan juga ada orang-orang yang gak mengikuti trend. I think, keduanya punya trend masing-masing. Last week, ada bahasan mengenai 'Anti-trend'. Nah, kalau yang anti trend juga separuh dari orang-orang yang terjebak dalam trend, i think anti-trend has become a new trend anyway. Its become a new culture anyway. Example: Orang muak dengan desain baju-baju di pasaran (mass production), then ada sekelompok orang yang mulai buat Disto (distribution store). Keuntungan mereka cuma gak mass production aja. Nowadays, kayanya gak ke distro gak gaul, gak ke distro itu ketinggalan, culun, cupu, dll. But see, its become a trend now.

So, i think everybody is stuck in their own idealism, its like everybody stuck in it (Is Idealism has become a new culture?) Shall we get out from this or drawn in it? You choose! You tell me!

1 comment:

cbsowl said...

i want one! hahahha.. tapi pengen xperia keluaran sony ericsson. pokonya mah.. life should be simple, society make it complicated