Monday 9 May 2011

Spiritual yet Fun

Good morning everybody! I just came back from a morning prayer, it was AWESOME, you should be there .. yeah its a bit hard to wake up, BUT then you'll craving for it MORE and MORE. So come tomorrow to our prayer meeting; EXPECTING BIG, TOUCHING GOD, and CHANGES the ATMOSPHERE. So well, this morning im going to share about what i've been thinking this past few weeks along with my 11 years journey in the Christianity. So hows life by the way? HOPE ITS ALL GOOD according to GOD's plan.


Kita manusia terdiri dari: tubuh, jiwa, roh. Dont you know that our bible specifically mengurutkannya sebagai berikut: roh, jiwa, dan tubuh. Dont need to debate about what should be in the first priority, let me share what i've been through and what i commit my self to be, and what i want you the readers to be. So, siapapun kita specially you;re the NEW BORN CHRISTIAN, you should realize that you are a SPIRITUAL PERSON.

Since 1998, i've met all kind of spiritual peoples:

- VERY SPIRITUAL; everywhere he goes, speak, do, he always talk about spiritual thing.
- SO-SO Spiritual; not too excited about the spiritual thing, more excited about the performance thing.
- NOT SPIRITUAL; everywhere he goes, speak, do, he never talk about spiritual thing.

Well, i've been in all those level of spiritual christianity, and its oke if you've been there too. Its now im going to talk about. So dari tahun 1998, saya bertemu dengan banyak orang rohani, di awal-awal tahun kelahiran baru saya, saya dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang: BERNUBUAT, mengadakan MUJIZAT, melayani PELEPASAN, dan PENGLIHATAN, et cetera. And i enjoyed every second of it and i LEARNED a lot. BUT YET someday, i saw most of them were backsliding (berbalik dari Tuhan); some of them were BITTER, un-SUBMIT, SINS, and Tenggelam di dalam dunia dimana seharusnya dia jadi terang.

Singkat kata, itu membuat saya menganalisa (oh this is so me *lol), berpikir, dan membuat sebuah rumusan dalam hati yang menciptakan sebuah TRAUMA akan orang-orang yang NGEROH. Kejadian yang terus berulang membuat saya makin TRAUMA dan ANTIPATI.

Lupa tahun kapan, but me and my spiritual children pernah ada di titik dan situasi KITA TIDAK SPIRITUAL. We are THE FUN PEOPLE who goes to Church, we tried to make the church is cool, the community is cool, but YET gak ada isinya "TONG KOSONG NYARING BUNYINYA" Sampai saya bertobat dan menganalisa (oh well, this is so me again *lol) dan memutuskan dalam hati untuk merubah haluan.

Some question that we should answer in our deep heart are:

- You may be a spiritual person, but are a FUN person to be with or to share with?
- You got something from GOD about "someone" and you know that you need to tell it straight, how do you tell them? and so far, what is their reaction hearing about your "revelation" or "vision" about them?
- You are a spiritual person, and how many un-spiritual friend do you have?
- Try imagine you are in somebody's shoes, do you like "you"?

A wise man told me one thing, bahwa:

"Kita harus jadi orang-orang yang EXPERT membangun hubungan dan memperbaiki hubungan" This is the KEY in our SPIRITUAL yet FUN life. We need to remember that NOT EVERYBODY understand about the spiritual thing yang kita dapatkan. Thats why we need to be EXPERT untuk menterjemahkan "KATA TUHAN" kepada orang dan kapan menyampaikannya.

This is what i change from my life:

I have to build relationship with as many people as i can, so that i can be GOD's messenger for their lives. (isn't is VERY SPIRITUAL? -YES it is) and how i tell them about GOD; masing-masing berbeda. How i build them one by one, masing-masing berbeda.

For the fashion people, i need to TALK about fashion. Thats why i need to learn at least know about fashion, and RELATE what GOD SAID to his life. It'll attract for her listening to GOD's word through me. Maybe i can say: Well, every fashion has a designer, and you know what every one of us also has a DESIGNER. etc. IT IS FAR MORE BETTER THAN saying: Repent!! Because GOD is so angry to you, and you know what.. HE IS YOUR DESIGNER, and you are HIS DESIGN.

For the youth people, i have to be like the youth. I need to be with them for a while before i can lead them, guide them, and bring them into GOD's KINGDOM. I have to speak like ayouth, think like a youth, so they will hear me.

For the OLDER people, i have to respect them. Learning not to say: "Saya dapatkan dari Tuhan bahwa bla bla bla .. dan dipastikan mereka akan BEREAKSI and you will not gonna like it.

So, we have to THINK how to be a FUN PERSON to be with, to share lives with, before you can be a SPIRITUAL PERSON to somebody. Its not just about BALANCE, its about "bagaimana hati Tuhan supaya sampai ke orang-orang yang kita layani"

Paulus is a FUN PERSON to be with and a SPIRITUAL PERSON and HE WON lots of people as long as HE lives;

1Co 9:19 Sungguhpun aku bebas terhadap semua orang, aku menjadikan diriku hamba dari semua orang, supaya aku boleh memenangkan sebanyak mungkin orang.
1Co 9:20 Demikianlah bagi orang Yahudi aku menjadi seperti orang Yahudi, supaya aku memenangkan orang-orang Yahudi. Bagi orang-orang yang hidup di bawah hukum Taurat aku menjadi seperti orang yang hidup di bawah hukum Taurat, sekalipun aku sendiri tidak hidup di bawah hukum Taurat, supaya aku dapat memenangkan mereka yang hidup di bawah hukum Taurat.
1Co 9:21 Bagi orang-orang yang tidak hidup di bawah hukum Taurat aku menjadi seperti orang yang tidak hidup di bawah hukum Taurat, sekalipun aku tidak hidup di luar hukum Allah, karena aku hidup di bawah hukum Kristus, supaya aku dapat memenangkan mereka yang tidak hidup di bawah hukum Taurat.
1Co 9:22 Bagi orang-orang yang lemah aku menjadi seperti orang yang lemah, supaya aku dapat menyelamatkan mereka yang lemah. Bagi semua orang aku telah menjadi segala-galanya, supaya aku sedapat mungkin memenangkan beberapa orang dari antara mereka.

AND, i believe JESUS is a FUN PERSON to be with and to share lives with and HE is a VERY SPIRITUAL PERSON (Come on, He is GOD); See how the children mingle around HIM, see bagaimana orang berdosa gak takut untuk berbicara dengan DIA, see bagaimana orang-orang sakit menginginkan DIA, see bagaimana dari para nelayan, perempuan-perempuan, orang sakit, anak kecil bahkan pemungut cukai ber SAHABAT dengan DIA. Selain DIA adalah Tuhan, sangat spiritual, i believe HE IS A FUN PERSON TO BE WITH.

So today, lets check .. apakah orang-orang betah berada di sekitar kita? Rasanya orang berdosa pun menjadi segan kalau melihat kita, because they think we are TOO HOLY, dan apakah orang-orang bersahabat dengan kita yang SPIRITUAL? IF NOT, itu berarti kita harus rubah haluan.

So be VERY SPIRITUAL but YET a FUN person to be with.

Goals: Supaya pesan Tuhan bisa masuk ke setiap orang yang kita jumpai.
Things to consider and to do:
- Be an EXPERT di dalam membangun hubungan dan memperbaiki hubungan dengan level manapun
- Like a WATER; kita masuk ke dalam kehidupan mereka, dan sampai mereka masuk juga ke dalam kehidupan kita, then the WORD OF GOD can easily flows.
- BE CREATIVE to say ANYTHING about SPIRITUAL LIFE. Remember our GOALs: Kita buat segala cara supaya pesan Tuhan masuk, didengar, dan diterima mereka. Tanggung jawabnya ada pada kita.
- Learn the ART OF knowing THE RIGHT TIME to say the SPIRITUAL THING. Well, in this world like this everytime is like a wrong time .. but we need to UNDERSTAND though.
- This is the most important thing: DO IT WITH LOVE.
- STOP judging, REMEMBER names, APPRECIATE MORE than to CRITIZE, Stop talking and just BE an EXAMPLE, BOLD AGAINTS SIN, yet lemah lembut menghadapi orang, LISTEN MORE. If you wanna talk to them you need to HEAR THEM MORE LONGER THAN YOU NEED TO TALK.
- Last but not least: BE FUN, and HAVE FUN in your christianity journey OTHERWISE, you wont be a FUN person to be with.

ps: remember that we are a SPIRITUAL person and have to be SPIRITUAL and discuss SPIRITUAL thing and come up with the SPIRITUAL IDEAS and SOLUTIONS, but you need to BE a FUN PERSON to share about those SPIRITUAL THING specially with the NOT TOO SPIRITUAL PEOPLE or maybe with the NON-SPIRITUAL PERSON. if we ourselves are not a FUN person and really having FUN in our spiritual lives, how come they will believe what we said? *think of it*

So i guess, im gonna leave you to think for a while, if need .. rubah haluan dan change your style.


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