Monday 9 May 2011

Example for the Believers

Helo again peeps! Counting down to the year 2010 i believe this notes will inspire you and to shape you to become a better person RIGHT BEFORE THE 2010 is BEGIN. Yeah well, not this notes actually, but again the WORD that become FLESH that will change you, transform you, and make you. So here it is .. enjoy every word, slowly chew the word, and be transform!

I do believe that
"People SILENTLY JUDGE us" if you're agree with me just NOD your head (angguk Ada sebuah ayat yang udah gak asing di telinga kita kayanya, it sounds like this:


Jangan seorangpun menganggap engkau rendah karena engkau muda. Jadilah teladan bagi orang-orang percaya, dalam perkataanmu, dalam tingkah lakumu, dalam kasihmu, dalam kesetiaanmu dan dalam kesucianmu. 1 Timotius 4:12
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

Let me ask you .. kapan terakhir kali ada seseorang merendahkan kamu, right in front of your face and he said "You are such a LOW person. JERK!" Saya percaya jarang banget itu terjadi, mungkin beberapa dari kita gak pernah juga mengalami pengalaman kaya gitu. ngeri bener kalo emang itu terjadi. BUT BUT BUT percaya gak, bahwa PEOPLE SILENTLY JUDGE US. Instead of yeah well kita gak bole nge judge orang dan bla bla bla, tapi orang secara SILENT, in their own heart, in their own mind .. mereka menilai siapa kita dimata mereka lewat PERKATAAN, TINGKAH LAKU, KASIH, KESETIAAN, dan KESUCIAN.

Thats why, PAULUS concern banget sama TIMOTIUS yang adalah anak rohaninya. He BOLDY say to Tim "Jangan SEORANGPUN
(seorangpun) menganggap engkau RENDAH karena engkau muda. Wow, baru kali ini kayanya saya lebih suka terjemahan indonesianya, lebih BOLD, TAJAM, gue banget gitu. *lol*

Next, he said
JADILAH TELADAN. Be an example of the believers. Ini simple banget untuk ditulis memang dan agak sulit waktu praktek, but we have to do it anyway. Then Paul give some of the points where we 'youth' sering dianggap rendah dan sekaligus points yang sama mengenai di area mana kita jadi teladan.


I have to admit, that many times my words are FASTER than my brain. This is one of my leak guys. Those who know me will SMILE and NOD now *grin face* lol. Seringkali anak muda dianggap rendah lewat perkataan kita; Becanda-becandaan kita lah, ato latah-latah kita lah, ato umpatan-umpatan kita. Selain itu, lewat curhatan kita pun orang bisa nilai kita itu orang macam apa, rendah kah, " berpendidikankah, atau so so lah. Thats why we have to control perkataan kita, jangan kaya "kecipirit". mind my words but thats the best example how to explain it anyway. *peace finger*

Kitab Yakobus membahas cukup banyak soal "lidah" betapa lidah itu bagian tubuh yang kecil tapi seperti api yang walaupun kecil bisa membakar sebuah hutan besar. Dengan lidah kita memuji Tuhan, dengan lidah yang sama kita mengutuki orang. Mungkin gak sampai mengutuki, tapi perkataan keputusasaan, perkataan pesimis, perkataan kasar. Mungkin gak kasar juga, JUST KIDDING (kayanya sering deh kita denger kata itu), tapi kepikir gak bahwa lewat JUST KIDDING kita, beberapa orang di sekitar kita MIGHT GET HURT dan welcome to the judgment day. People silently judge you by your word. Thats why jadilah teladan dalam perkataan. Its oke becanda, Its oke say everything, but knowing the right time and the right place is really important. Let me apologize to each one of you if there was any my KIDDING word somehow hurting you personally. i repent today, and promise to do better in the future. i better watch my mouth next time. Silent is gold sometimes is right, but not always right. :)


Pada dasarnya, tingkah laku seseorang itu adalah respon dari apa yang terjadi di sekitar kita. Dan tingkah laku itu terbentuk dan terus berkembang tergantung di komunitas mana dia berada. People silently judge our ACT. Kalau dalam perkataan, mungkin hanya orang yang kita kenal yang bisa SILENTLY JUDGE us, tapi kalo bicara soal tingkah laku ... EVERY BODY CAN JUDGE US. And we cant stop them from judging us, we cant say IN JESUS NAME GO WAY. They're will always be there. Thats why if you're a leader, you better watch your act. Dari hal yang sederhana sampai hal yang besar, dari hal yang gak penting sampai hal yang penting, kita perlu PUSH ourselves untuk jadi teladan bagi orang percaya. Pernah gak kita di restaurant tertentu dan kita liat ada orang yang makan kaya gak pernah dikasi makan setaun, kaya kelaparan banget. Mungkin kita ga bahas, but we silently judge them rite. Thats the same thing with all the people in the world. Well, we better watch our act everyone.


Love is the basic and foundation of every aspect in our lives and i believe all of you are agree with me. Everybody in this world needs LOVE. They even singing about love, and if you checked the movies, the sinetron and everything in the production house .. if you wanna get a BIG costumer, sell LOVE. Tell them about love, they will like it. because they need love. Love is giving *always* So in this area, we need to be an example HOW TO LOVE not just by words but by GIVING. Because love is always giving. Banyak orang di dunia ini hanya MENGAMBIL, MENERIMA, just TAKING. why? Because they simply dont have anything to be given. THE NEED is love. We need to be an example how to give our time, how to give our full attention when people share something to us, how to give our full care, how to give our full life when serving each other. GIVE, GIVE, GIVE. This is our identity; to GIVE. And people silently judge us when we give a little. Mind my words again: Banyak orang gak tau bagaimana memberi yang terbaik untuk orang yang sudah memberi yang terbaik.


Kitab Mikha berkata seperti ini: Banyak orang benar (baik), tapi orang yang setia siapakah yang menemukannya? Banyak sekali gambaran ketidaksetiaan di televisi apalagi infotaintment *yeah well what do you expect la* the world spreading the DISLOYAL viruses we need to SPRAY and KILL the virus by becoming an example dalam kesetiaan kita. Kesetiaan gak hanya berbicara mengenai pernikahan dan pacaran, tapi juga dalam keseharian kita. You know all the examples about this im sure. Once you read this "word' i believe its like "ya ya ya i know" Okay then, mari jadi teladan dalam hal kesetiaan. Setia berdoa, setia melayani, tepat janji (termasuk BE ON TIME!) *AHA* you're not expecting me saying this ON TIME thing rite? but too bad it is. *lol* Remember, people silently judge us.


Wow, this is the last one. i love the word "PURE". Dunia memperkenalkan nilai-nilai korupsi, penyelewengan, dan politik-politik juga strategi-strategi. Pemain bola pasti tau soal strategi. But let me say this: strategi itu hanya untuk perang, hanya untuk bola, hanya untuk berjualan, hanya untuk menang dan BUKAN untuk hubungan. kemurnian, kesucian dalam hubungan "TANPA MOTIVASI menguntungkan diri sendiri" rasanya udah jarang kita temui hari-hari ini. i wanna be pure, i wanna be around people who really connect with me bukan karena saya menguntungkan mereka, (kalo udah menguntungkan berarti dicuekin dong) tapi karena they want to connect with me, even saya gagal, even saya pernah salah, et cetera. People, the world actually longs for the PURE person. GIRLS, you know all the examples. Mind my examples again: how many times awalnya koko dede (AHA!!) dan akhirnya si koko ternyata suka dan si DEDE kecewa karena mengetahui ternyata selama ini si KOKO ada hati. Gak ada seorang pun yang beli AQUA, tapi di botolnya ada tulisan 99% murni, 1% racun and you still buy it, i tell you, you're not just LOW, you're CRAZY. Again, people silently judge you. Come on lets be an example in the purity. Bukan karena kita ada maunya, atau bahkan supaya menguntungkan kita pribadi. Be pure!

Those are five daily things that we DEAL almost everyday and every minute i guess. We deal with our own mouth, mind, and heart. Be an example bukan berarti kita memalsukan kata-kata kita, memalsukan tingkah laku kita setiap saat (JAIM) *cape deh*, memalsukan kasih kita, kesetiaan kita, dan kesucian kita. Ini bukan soal menjadi orang lain .. but those 5 points buat saya sederhana menantang saya untuk jadi orang yang lebih baik. Right before christmas, Right before 2010 .. i wanna be a better person. And i wanna be an EXAMPLE for the generation to come. I SET my life, my day, my everything to be a MODEL for this generation. Yes, kata TELADAN or EXAMPLE itu berarti: MODEL atau FIGURE. If it means that i have to pay the cost, let it be. Because
"CHILDREN SEE, CHILDREN DO" and Your word would not as powerful as your example.

be an EXAMPLE for me is like the MOST effective way to teach someone, to bring someone to Jesus, to equip someone. I hope i would say less, and act more and i hope people could IMITATE me .. we cant say "Contoh yang baik dari saya, yang gak baik jangan dicontoh" NO WE CANNOT. Because again, CHILDREN SEE CHILDREN DO. People around us need a MODEL, need a FIGURE, and they IMITATE the model, they IMITATE the FIGURE good or bad. They will imitate our words, our act, our love, our loyalty, our purity.

You are not created to be LOW. You are HIGH VALUED, such a MASTERPIECE made by GOD Himself. Thats why, be an EXAMPLE of the BELIEVERS.

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