Monday 9 May 2011

Stimulating other to seek God

eoYoww .. wazz up?!! Please dont judge the notes by the HEADER *lol* So this time, im going to share what happen in my mind these days .. NOT YET having the answer .. but i need a company to THINK, THINK, THINK (like winnie the pooh said: if you have a problem THINK, THINK, THINK *lol - too much cartoon these days i guess)

As a mom, kata 'stimulasi' has become a POWERFUL word for me; its a very normal vocab in my daily lives well now it STRUCK me when it comes to the spiritual thing. As a mom, i was taught not too often DO and DONT's to my baby .. i was taught to STIMULATE his inteligence; merangsang inderanya untuk berkembang sendiri (okay, i promise i wont use bahasa roh dalam hal ini bahasa kedokteran khususnya bahasa ibu dan anak dan dokter anak) hahaha

Couple years ago, i was listening one man were saying "Bahwa kita hidup di generasi post-modern" (hold on guys till the end .. you'll get something i promise :)) Now let me tell you the characteristic of this post-modern people:

- Rasio adalah Tuhan mereka. Segala sesuatu dicurigai sampai ada bukti yang dapat diterima oleh akal manusia
- Anti berlembaga dan Anti mapan. Segala sesuatu akan menuju kepada perubahan, termasuk KEBENARAN.
- Tidak suka diGURUI apalagi diPERINTAH
- Kebenaran itu RELATIF tidak MUTLAK

Yeah, you know what guys: sedikit terlambat untuk membahas generasi post-modern, karena generasi yang akan datang adalah generasi platinum (WHAT??!! - wait for the next notes later later later) BUT never too late to learn. BUT better not late sih *halah*

POSTMODERN - Era matinya modernisme; yang telah memasuki seluruh masyarakat (mulai dari GAYA astitektur, jadi budaya: musik, fashion, cara berpikir, dan juga film, tidak terkecuali juga hal-hal rohani. Modernisme menggabungkan kebenaran dengan rasio, tapi Postmodernisme itu menolak kebenaran mutlak bahkan mencari sesuatu yang lebih tinggi dari rasio) .. oke im gonna stop now before you're all throw up. (if you want to know more, just googling those words)

So, these days i've been thinking about this words "STIMULATING"

- Gimana caranya "menstimulasi" orang2 untuk penasaran dan mencintai Tuhan yang saya sembah
- "menstimulasi" indera mereka, roh mereka untuk mencari Tuhan
- "menstimulasi" dan "merangsang" roh dan jiwa mereka untuk benar2 menginginkan Tuhan.

GUYS, this is our task .. to STIMULATE their spirit to SEEK GOD, not to JUDGE them, not to YELL to them from the stage, not to SUGGEST them, and not even enough just to be with them all day long. You need to STIMULATE them until they have a STRONG WILLING, that HUNGER and THIRST like you have, until they MEET God.

How many of us STRESS and get DEPRESS meeting this kind of people; Yang sangat KRITIS (menjatuhkan bukan membangun) dan bahkan perlu bukti sana sini untuk setiap kata di ALKITAB. wow .. what a people we meet. They're like expecting even insisting us to be "Ahli-Ahli Taurat"

While im writing this notes, wow suddenly i remembered one verse which i LIKE LIKE LIKE LIKE

Luk 24:32 Kata mereka seorang kepada yang lain: "Bukankah HATI KITA BERKOBAR-KOBAR, ketika Ia berbicara dengan kita di tengah jalan dan ketika Ia menerangkan Kitab Suci kepada kita?"

Luk 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not OUR HEART BURN WITHIN US, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

Hey, thats the answer .. HOW to stimulate people to SEEK God .. We must let JESUS SPEAK through us. Ayat diatas menceritakan bagaimana murid-murid Yesus berjumpa dengan seorang pria (padahal YESUS yg baru saja bangkit dan menemui mereka namun mereka tidak mengenalinya) dan HEYY .. what did they say? i'll HIGHLIGHT this one as the closing for this notes:


"DID not OUR HEARTS BURN within us"

Waktu Yesus berbicara, perkataannya membuat HATI ORANG BERKOBAR-KOBAR .. wow. Jesus was STIMULATING them to SEEK HIM more, to FIND HIM more. Wow ..

Let this be your prayer tonite as you read this notes. this is the answer for your DRY cell group, for your DRY spirit, for your spiritual children's growth, for your church, and specially handling the POST-MODERN people .. YOU NEED TO LET JESUS Himself SPEAK through you .. then when you leave them .. they will say one another EXACTLY the same like those verse:

"Bukankah hati kita BERKOBAR-KOBAR ketika Dia bebicara dengan kita ..."

"Did not our hearts BURN within us when HE talked with us ..."

So, this is the last thought:

When was the last time your heart BURNED for GOD? Because you can only bring people as fas as you go. (Ketempat kemana kau pernah ada, kesitulah kau akan bawa orang2) You will never be able to bring people to a place where you havent been there before.

SOAK UP into Him tonite and GET DRAWN in HIM.

This is amazing .. You guys are amazing .. and i pray tonite for each one of you, for every cell group and for every family, and also NOT FORGET for the POST-MODERN generation where we live now and for the COMING PLATINUM generation :-) i pray for you all .. and i love you all.


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