Thursday 2 June 2011

do DIFFERENT and get a DIFFERENT result

Hello again everyone .. i just notice today that i got more follower these days, and its a privilege to share whats in my life to you. I would love to share more and more things in my life; my secrets, my passion, my failures, my family, and my everything to all of you. You have no idea how i write a LOT these days; a book is on the way for you to have, and a personal website will be launch soon. So, what you've been reading on this blogspot is like a preview for what is to come. Hope to keep blessing you in many ways. Enjoy the reading today, and Have a super humongous enormous day today like i do! You deserve that! xoxo

Saya percaya bahwa gak ada seorangpun yang gak mengharapkan hasil yang baik dalam hidupnya dan terutama dalam hal yang dia anggap penting yang dia lakukan di sebagian besar waktunya, betul? We tend to said something cynical to people or even skeptical (specially our leader or our closest people) whom oriented on a result. But hey, tunggu dulu sebentar; bukankah semua kita juga berorientasi pada hasil? Semua orang yang bekerja pasti mengharapkan hasil. Semua orang yang ber-investasi mengharapkan hasil (even Tuhan sendiri; He expecting a multiplication of our talent when He trusted us with some) - you can bring up another example, and im sure all of us are expecting a result, a bigger one, and a better one. AND ITS OKE.

These days, im expecting a bigger result in my personal life, in my family life, and in my ministry life. Im expecting something different, something new, something fresh, im so expecting something super natural happening in every aspect of my life. Im expecting THINGS will grow faster than before. Yes, i want a result. (a new one and a bigger one). I kinda feeling so bored with whats going on in my life, i need something to be break, i need something that more than a routine, i need a new success - im bored with the same success and the same result.

Then like always, the voice came from inside of me and said:
"People who always does the same thing and expecting a different result is joking (AH BECANDA LU) and insane (GILA AJA LU)" I shocked for a several second because i didn't expect those word at all. Im overwhelmed for a quite while, then like always, the words came to me ...

2 Ia melihat dua perahu di tepi pantai. Nelayan-nelayannya telah turun dan sedang membasuh jalanya. 3 Ia naik ke dalam salah satu perahu itu, yaitu perahu Simon, dan menyuruh dia supaya menolakkan perahunya sedikit jauh dari pantai. Lalu Ia duduk dan mengajar orang banyak dari atas perahu. 4 Setelah selesai berbicara, Ia berkata kepada Simon: "Bertolaklah ke tempat yang dalam dan tebarkanlah jalamu untuk menangkap ikan." 5 Simon menjawab: "Guru, telah sepanjang malam kami bekerja keras dan kami tidak menangkap apa-apa, tetapi karena Engkau menyuruhnya, aku akan menebarkan jala juga." 6 Dan setelah mereka melakukannya, mereka menangkap sejumlah besar ikan, sehingga jala mereka mulai koyak. (Lukas 5:2-6)

It’s been the whole nite, Simon tried to catch a fish and none of fish he catches and he began to bored and tired; Then Jesus took place and told him to ‘DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT’ and Simon got ‘THE BIGGER and THE ENORMOUS FISH (RESULT) IN NUMBERS’. Simon gak mengganti profesinya ketika ia tidak mendapatkan hasil ketika memancing,"ah, udah lah kayanya saya gak akan berhasil di bidang ini. saya ganti profesi aja". (well maybe for once, he thought about that. But Jesus came to Simon not to change his profession, but to change his way of fishing and even better Jesus bring Simon to believe Him and to follow Him. this is deep!)

If you are tired of your life these days, if you are tired of your condition today .. try to listen to God’s direction and do differently, and you will get a different result. Stop doing the same thing the whole time in your life, Stop doing the same strategy for your ministry, and see the different result. Even better im saying this "stop doing things on your own power and strength and get in the flow with His direction"

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