Good morning world .. im having my self moment after dropping my son at his school, its kinda hectic around me right now, but its not hard to have a solitude and this is what im thinking and pursuing these days. Enjoy the reading!
I love the idea about being 'healthy', well in fact i wanna be healthy: i wanna grow old and becoming a healthy grandma for my grandchildren. Im seeing myself in the future so wealthy, happy, and healthy. I have a big family (not a big fat one), but a really really happy and healthy one. You know, there's only one book that talks about E V E R Y T H I N G. Yes, im not wrong saying that this book, the bible is the only book that talks about everything; including healthiness.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
We dont just live for God, can i get an amen for this? We live in this world, some of you have a family, some of you are engaged, some of you maybe very young and living for yourself. But let me tell you something, the sadness thing in lifeis when we lost someone we love (our family, our spouse, our son/daughter, etc). I lost my dad when i was 27 years old, he was only 55 years old man (sadly he was not lived a healthy lives); my old man was not rich, was not tall, was not a manager or even an important man in a business world, he might not an important person for anybody outside my family, but he was an important man in my life, until today i still missed him in every sensitive moment in my life. You know, i didn't expect him to be rich, i just want him to be here on earth with me. And that would the greatest gift for me. Now, how bout you? I hope you can get all the big picture having a double effort to be healthy.
Quoting from Joyce Meyer that once said: The greatest gift that we can give to ourself, to God, to family, to our spouse, and even to other people is the healthy us. I think this one is so powerful. So many of us, we have tried to give everything else for others but ourselves. Gee, you know: the greatest gift you can give is: YOURSELF.
We are a "spirit, soul, and body" person. The three part of us should be healthy. In fact, there is a synergy between the three of them. Some people focusing on the body part first then to the soul and the spirit (from outside inside), while Paul on 1 Tes 5:23 focusing from the 'inside out' (start from the spirit, soul, and body)
Guys, we need to be and we have to be a healthy person (spirit, soul, body) - thats the greatest gift you can give. (even to yourself). A healthy spirit always have joy inside (because the spirit connect with God's spirit) that burst the soul (mind, emotion, and will) that will infect the body. from the inside out - let train our body to be fit and healthy. A healthy mind does not negative, while a healthy body does not overweight or minusweight (you eat right, in control, and having a regular fasting and regular sport activities).
Okey, so im saying this not because im already perfect, but because i need a friend in this journey to be healthy. How bout changing the world through our long lives on earth, and how bout giving the greatest gift to God, to our family, to our loved one, to our church, to this generation, and to ourselves?
Im hoping that you all gonna have an amazing and healthy day today.
Decide today to live healthy: spirit, soul, and body. Because the healthy person is the happy one and the happy person is a wealthy one. xoxo
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
We dont just live for God, can i get an amen for this? We live in this world, some of you have a family, some of you are engaged, some of you maybe very young and living for yourself. But let me tell you something, the sadness thing in lifeis when we lost someone we love (our family, our spouse, our son/daughter, etc). I lost my dad when i was 27 years old, he was only 55 years old man (sadly he was not lived a healthy lives); my old man was not rich, was not tall, was not a manager or even an important man in a business world, he might not an important person for anybody outside my family, but he was an important man in my life, until today i still missed him in every sensitive moment in my life. You know, i didn't expect him to be rich, i just want him to be here on earth with me. And that would the greatest gift for me. Now, how bout you? I hope you can get all the big picture having a double effort to be healthy.
We are a "spirit, soul, and body" person. The three part of us should be healthy. In fact, there is a synergy between the three of them. Some people focusing on the body part first then to the soul and the spirit (from outside inside), while Paul on 1 Tes 5:23 focusing from the 'inside out' (start from the spirit, soul, and body)
Guys, we need to be and we have to be a healthy person (spirit, soul, body) - thats the greatest gift you can give. (even to yourself). A healthy spirit always have joy inside (because the spirit connect with God's spirit) that burst the soul (mind, emotion, and will) that will infect the body. from the inside out - let train our body to be fit and healthy. A healthy mind does not negative, while a healthy body does not overweight or minusweight (you eat right, in control, and having a regular fasting and regular sport activities).
Okey, so im saying this not because im already perfect, but because i need a friend in this journey to be healthy. How bout changing the world through our long lives on earth, and how bout giving the greatest gift to God, to our family, to our loved one, to our church, to this generation, and to ourselves?
Im hoping that you all gonna have an amazing and healthy day today.
Decide today to live healthy: spirit, soul, and body. Because the healthy person is the happy one and the happy person is a wealthy one. xoxo
wow, cool, it seems better if I had time to read this blog every day and keep linked to this blog, but I didn't find the "follow" here ^ ^, I hope I can find it soon, lol * just want keep linked to this blog .. thank you Ps.Esly
Hey vero, thank you ... I think you can follow this blog since this blog has already 10 follower so far. It such a privilege to be a blessing for u. Xoxo
how to speak english fluently ps?? hahaha...
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