Monday, 9 May 2011

Love God, Hate Sin

Hello again lovely people .. Ive been thinking about this topic since last AMAZING Sunday Service. and the topic was like PUSHING me to focus on him, and i tell you .. it haunted me like crazy .. the topic, the word, the expression FILLED my day and DISTURBING me so much, until i decided to SIT alone and let my fingers FLOWS on the keypad. SO here it is .. :-)

Pro 8:13 Takut akan TUHAN ialah membenci kejahatan; aku benci kepada kesombongan, kecongkakan, tingkah laku yang jahat, dan mulut penuh tipu muslihat.

We need to understand that its not enough for us to just LOVE God; we also need to HATE SIN. Jangan hanya menjadi orang-orang yang mencintai Tuhan, tapi jadilah orang-orang yang membenci dosa dengan level yang tinggi. Some might say that membenci dosa itu AUTOMATICALLY terjadi ketika kita mencintai Tuhan. But the fact is, I found so many people who love GOD (who say that they’re love God) YET still berkubang di dalam dosanya.

Whether it’s AUTOMATIC or not, I do believe we need to HATE SIN. You know what happen when you HATE someone? (Maybe your ex-boyfriend, or maybe someone who hurt you in the past, or someone who took everything from you, or someone who kills your parents; maybe some disease like cancer, etc “oh how much I hate cancer with all my heart, it kills my dad) YES, we need that kind of HATE, that level of HATE to the SIN.

It’s been so long; I never heard people say that they’re HATE SIN, but yes I heard almost everyday that people LOVE GOD. And so many times, I heard the confession of people yang jatuh dalam dosa, yang mengakibatkan mereka BENCI DIRI SENDIRI bukan benci dosanya. If we don’t hate SIN, it won’t let you go. TONITE, there’s a holy anger inside of me, remembering each one of you, imagining your faces and STRIKING SINS behind you. I do STRONGLY HATE all kind of SIN in a very STRONG LEVEL and I mean it. It means WAR. *kerung face*

Think of it: Betapa DOSA sudah merusak hidupmu, merusak gambar dirimu, merusak masa depanmu, membuatmu muak akan dirimu sendiri. Whatever it is guys, think of it.. put it inside your mind, what was happened when you fall into sin? Was it DESTRUCTIVELY DESTRUCTED your life, your mind, your day? YES IT WAS. The joy was disappeared; your whole day filled with intimidation and imagined how PROUD the devil laughing at you, because basically the devil was just OFFERED you the thought not the sin. It COMES out from your thought, your DECISION that made you SIN.

It’s enough blaming yourself. It’s enough for SIN. Its even enough to just think about SIN. Let’s think about how God has created a BIG and AMAZING FUTURE for each one of you. Lets think about how you will CHANGE the world in the future. Lets think of what BLESSING, what RESPONSIBILITY that God has prepared for you. Its begin in your thought. Joyce mayer said that THE MIND is OUR BATTLEFIELD, that’s why to HATE SIN, we need to start from our mind.


1. BEGIN YOUR DAY or END YOUR DAY dengan pikiran yang ditawan dan ditaklukan kepada KRISTUS. How? Just simply say it to the Lord dan mulai untuk berpikir benar. When it comes to YOUR MIND, no one can enter into your mind .. you control your mind. So better control it setelah ditaklukan kepada Kristus.

2Co 10:5 Kami mematahkan setiap siasat orang dan merubuhkan setiap kubu yang dibangun oleh keangkuhan manusia untuk menentang pengenalan akan Allah. Kami menawan segala pikiran dan menaklukkannya kepada Kristus.

“Aku mematahkan setiap siasat dan merubuhkan setiap kubu yang dibangun oleh keangkuhan ku sendiri untuk menentang pengenalan akan Allah. Aku menawan segala pikiran dan menaklukannya kepada Kristus”

2. BEGIN YOUR DAY or END YOUR DAY with the FAITH STATEMENT. Hey, you need it, your own EAR need to hear it, your soul need to hear it, your mind need to hear it. Say it loud into yourself; tunjuk dirimu sendiri dan perkatakan pada dirimu sendiri perkataan dibawah ini.

1Jo 3:9 Setiap orang yang lahir dari Allah, tidak berbuat dosa lagi; sebab benih ilahi tetap ada di dalam dia dan ia tidak dapat berbuat dosa, karena ia lahir dari Allah.

“Sebab aku lahir dari Allah, dan aku tidak berbuat dosa lagi; sebab benih ilahi tetap ada di dalam aku dan aku tidak dapat berbuat dosa, karena aku lahir dari Allah”

3. And HAVE A POWERFUL DAY everyone!

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