Hello again everyone, hoping that you guys doing a great thing and having the most amazing day today. No matter what happen, i tell you there are still a reason to keep going, to keep pressing on, and to be thankful for everything, cause the bible said it so. Where ever you are now, feel the urgency to just solitude and read this note with a full heart. Here we go ...
Have you ever in love? I bet you do...
I'm in love with my husband like everyday; everyday our love journey is happening in this earth. We worked separately everyday, he has his own works to do and some people to handle, and i do too. Even our office were only separated by levels, yet we're so far away in mind. But each time I got something in mind, i always wanted him to know directly from me, and each time I have this kind of problem, i just want him to be here with me. Sometimes i don't need his advice or even the answer for the problem, i just want to be in 'his presence' because for so many times, that's just enough; knowing that he is around, that's just enough.
What about every question u have these days? What about every problem you've encountered these days? I bet you need an answer for so many things in your life, i bet you need the explanation about why things happening to you these days. And i bet some of you don't like the way this world treating you these days. You know, sometimes you just don't need those answer, you just need to be still in His presence and be refreshed in His presence.
This is what we missed these days: PRESENCE OF GOD
Presence of God is His manifestation upon His people, its a place where its only you and Him alone face to face. Presence of God is different with the presence of any other man in this world. His presence brings healing, power, and Everything that you need. And not only that, in His presence, there is no sin can hide, the sin will be uncover in His presence. This is what we missed these days ... People are keep coming to the church, but they don't change (the tragedy was happening when the sinners lift up their hands in church, yet they keep sinning and even worst, they dont care anymore about sinning). We missed the presence of God.
Hadirat Tuhan:
Adalah tempat dimana hanya ada saya dan Tuhan dimana Tuhan dapat bebas menginterupsi hati saya, membongkar semua dosa yang saya lakukan sengaja atau tidak sengaja, sebuah waktu dimana Tuhan menyatakan isi hatiNya dan tangisanNya, dan bahkan waktu dimana Tuhan menyegarkan visi saya, menguatkan kaki-kaki saya terutama hati saya; Hadirat Tuhan adalah sebuah tempat yang jika saya mau masuk lebih dalam disitu terdapat semua jawaban yang saya perlukan untuk segala hal, yaitu DiriNya sendiri. HadiratNya mengubahkan saya yang keras menjadi lembut, menyembunyikan saya dari segala kejahatan dan ketidakadilan dunia, bahkan membuka mata saya untuk melihat dengan kacamataNya. Everything does looks different in His perspective, that makes me understands the bigger picture of everything.
That's why i need His presence more than the answer; i can get the whole answer for every problem yet loosing His presence or even Him that would be the worst tragedy in my life. All i need is His presence, i know it might not change situations, but it changes me and the way i see things.
Psalm 51:11 [ RSV NASB NIV] . Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. (its a deep prayer from David, someone who has experiencing the presence of God.
"I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion... I want all that God has or I don't want any."
— A.W. Tozer
Why dont you just go to your own place and experiencing His presence? You will never want to go out ...
1 comment:
inspiring! how a powerful messages, I think there must be something great behind the words. TOTALLY LOVE IT!
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